I think I've done it about 5 times. Most of them were just switching between suicide masteries and no suicide masteries. That was long in the past though, nowadays I just stick to no suicide masteries.
I'm about to switch again soon, mainly to remove the 1 point in Science Detection and put it in Glass Cannon for it to be 3/3.
Switching seems like a good idea if you are trying to overcome certain nodes in RTTL or any of the other special quests. I've changed mine a few times to try different things or complete certain special content. Mostly stays static though.
I get a little paranoid too because when you add points back in apparently it makes a difference what order you add certain ones back in! Really should not be like that IMO but it is.
I'm about to switch again soon, mainly to remove the 1 point in Science Detection and put it in Glass Cannon for it to be 3/3.
I get a little paranoid too because when you add points back in apparently it makes a difference what order you add certain ones back in! Really should not be like that IMO but it is.
I'd like to hear more about placement order making a difference. I've never heard that or seen a difference. Can you share a link?