Looking for an alliance

I am looking for a plat 6x5 alliance after this AQ week ends


  • Ary_BeastAry_Beast Member Posts: 134
    Add me on LINE - Zenfighter360
    We run 6X5 Epic mods, and plat 4 war
    Ally prestige currently stands at 11.4k
    We dropped to g2 in war due to many of our guys taking a break or leaving for personal reasons and the shortened season.
    We have finished in plat for the last 13 seasons.
    We should be back up in no time.
  • djomla85djomla85 Member Posts: 107
    Line ID djomla mladja
    AQ6x5 400mil+
    Plat AW
  • AMAGAK_187306AMAGAK_187306 Member Posts: 7
    are you still looking?
  • AcornagentAcornagent Member Posts: 131
    Add my line: acornagent
    Aq map 6 epic mods p3. Would love to have u
  • spacejumper5193spacejumper5193 Member Posts: 153 ★★
    If your still looking add me on line... spacejumper5193. We run map 6x5 all epics mods. Scoring top 300
  • DFORTUNE03DFORTUNE03 Member Posts: 90
    I sent you a message

    Zodi8 Plat4 map 6x5 aq
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