Tigras neutralize not preventing Hercules buffs

I took Tigra up against Cavalier EQ Hercules boss and noticed that Tigras neutralize does not stop his true sense buff nor his immortality buff. Hercules has nothing in his abilities that would indicate that neutralize wouldn't work on him, no increased ability accuracy or anything of the sort. Only thing that is even remotely close is his infuriate debuff which lowers the opponents offensive ability accuracy but that shouldn't affect neutralize itself, just the chance for it to trigger on Tigras succesful hits. I recorded the solo and you can see neutralize is active when Hercules used his sp1 and when he triggered immortality but neither of the buffs were prevented. If this isn't a bug but intentional i'd like to know what the explanation is and if it is a bug i'd like to get it fixed. Uploading the clip below