Abyss path 4…my last dance with the abyss
Abyss path 4 is done. I braved the current state of the game and fought to the end. Bugs in game? New job pressure? Recovering from an operation? Nothing was going to stop me. I came to finish what I started over a year ago and well…I got what I damn came for! But…before my rewards are revealed to fanfare, here’s a quick breakdown of the dent it put into my units/stash…but not my pride:
What a start! Quite funny too considering seconds before I had picked the cosmic abyss nexus…but cgr wasn’t the only cosmic I was hunting thankfully…
LC Gulk and Hood were the worst for me.
I swear this damn Hood. Never throwing his SP1. Felt like I grew a beard in that fight
I made the stupid mistake of not using Aegon before that fight and had to toss revives just to get guaranteed shrug off
And after getting embarrassed by Luke cage once I brought Prof X for every other path
At least I ramped Aegon with ~15 revives on LC 😅
But for path 2 and 3 I could fit in the evade synergy from Nick so LC was a looooooot easier with Aegon. Felt like some1 stole my train wheels on path 4 😅