Sunspot SHREDS SOP Venom
Try this with your Sunspot. Get up to your special 1 and get five solar charges. Once at five, parry (perfect block by the way), siphon the incinerates back at you, knock him down, and repeat. The burst damage caused by the node will shred him down. Just be way of Venom’s specials. It won’t hurt to parry his SP2 (all blocked hits will be perfect if you have five solar charges and keep landing incinerates on him).
Other than siphoning your power to your SP3 to refresh your incinerate stacks to keep the solar charges, you’re good. Hope this helps you to beat Venom!
Other than siphoning your power to your SP3 to refresh your incinerate stacks to keep the solar charges, you’re good. Hope this helps you to beat Venom!