How do you farm gold?

CangaceiroCangaceiro Member Posts: 429
I’m having a hard time getting gold. What do you do and how much time do you spend on that to get gold?

How do you farm gold? 23 votes

KOSLORDzahando27Totally_Gaurav 3 votes
OliverJWpseudosaneRockypantherxErcarretrivetRambosM60GiuliameijBonoqDarksniper240groundedmaster20005marino123YonkersAleks0Batmanisbad 14 votes
Complete milestones
Something else (please comment)
Berjibs 1 vote
All of the above, as long as it takes ☠️
MCOCHazzaDawsManqm44SchnoodleDementedGainzzz 5 votes
I just buy crystals…


  • GiuliameijGiuliameij Member Posts: 1,849 ★★★★
    Haven`t focussed on gold for over 2 years. I`m around 60m currently. Just do arena, get the uncollected gold crystals from the 22h stuff etc.
    Variants also give some nice gold for completion and exploration.
    But it is something that grows over time. Just watch your spending, level up to get the 22h level up event at max and you won`t likely run into gold and iso problems for quite a while as soon as you have build a small buffer.
  • DawsManDawsMan Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    All of the above, as long as it takes ☠️
    Bought fourth of july deals last year and I never dipped below 3 mil. Arena, gold crystals at the proper times, incursions.
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,078 ★★★★★
    I get a lot of gold from completing content, like Act 6/7 and the variants. However, from the alternatives you listed, I'd probably say Arena. I'm a crazy grinder there. Not enough to get any good rank rewards, but well enough to constantly have gold to spare.
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Something else (please comment)
    For at least a year now I’ve just played the game. Normally do incursions only 2 sector runs. Barely touch arena. On my big accs I sit around 15-20m. On new acc I’ve played for last 3/4 months I’m at 6m but have never opened gold crystals. Saving them for boost week. Suppose the caveat is I only rank champs I need for questing and none for arena or AW.
  • BerjibsBerjibs Member Posts: 1,541 ★★★★
    Something else (please comment)
    Suppose could add I used to sell basic iso and rank with class specific when gold was tighter. Don’t really feel the need anymore but still sell excess as and when.
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