11k Prestige, Asia Timezone needed. Map 7 AQ, War P3-P4 Season

Asia Timezone based alliance.
Loyal and friendly players. Looking for one active and reliable player.
11k prestige please. Asian Timezone.
Aq map 7 with epic modifiers (10% t5cc per aq round). Rotate with Map 5 as an option when needed to replenish stock and have a break.
War tiers 3-5 with platinum 3-4 season placement.
Pls contact me on line PsychoAkuma
Loyal and friendly players. Looking for one active and reliable player.
11k prestige please. Asian Timezone.
Aq map 7 with epic modifiers (10% t5cc per aq round). Rotate with Map 5 as an option when needed to replenish stock and have a break.
War tiers 3-5 with platinum 3-4 season placement.
Pls contact me on line PsychoAkuma