Cosmic Ghost Rider Bugged Interaction with AAR - Stuck at 5 Judgements

SugarCircuitSugarCircuit Member Posts: 63
edited July 2021 in Bugs and Known Issues
Previously, if AAR caused damnation to fail to trigger, judgements would be immediately reset to 0 without the damnation ever appearing. Now it gets stuck at 5 indefinitely and there appears to be no way to trigger the previously triggered judgements. Additionally, untriggered judgements can be triggered repeatedly.

This has happened to me against both domino and crossbones today. Please clarify expected behavior (and fix this if it is a bug)

In this one I am stuck at 5 judgements, but I can trigger aptitude as much as I want. Can't trigger precision/armor/fury/cruelty for the rest of the fight.

In this one I am stuck at 5 judgements, but I can trigger unblockable, cruelty, and fury as much as I want. Can't trigger precision, armor, aptitude, etc.

Video of being stuck against domino:


  • SugarCircuitSugarCircuit Member Posts: 63
    I'm very surprised no one cares about this.....
  • Thekiller8967Thekiller8967 Member Posts: 323 ★★
    That's so wacky. I've also experienced what you described as what usually happens. Not sure why it changed
  • SugarCircuitSugarCircuit Member Posts: 63
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit Can I get a sense of whether this is intended?
  • buffajrbuffajr Member Posts: 424 ★★
    It’s being affected by ability accuracy. You can notice it as well when fighting CGR with Magneto.
  • SugarCircuitSugarCircuit Member Posts: 63
    Yes, @buffajr I know that. That's literally the title of the post. I'm saying the behavior when affected by AAR has changed.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    i had a good interction once against domino. i did power gain from light but no judgement was placed. so i was able to do it again and again until the judgement wwas placed
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