Best and worst 5* nexus. What would u do?

AndyBeardoAndyBeardo Member Posts: 184

Best and worst 5* nexus. What would u do? 31 votes

Pick Aegon for the additional 6* shards (already at sig 200)
ScrubhanMatthew950 2 votes
Pick Nick although the sig doesn't make much difference
Darkraider234walkerdogRenaxqqQuarantinedgem 4 votes
Pick proxima
AdvMysterioJuggerNotKill_GreyEtjamaMauledErcarretA_NAZGlassbackLpooZan0odishika123AmnetiesTheBair123Yodabolt21ShaqatacHelpingReal_Madrid_76_2sherin_66Scarcity27 25 votes


  • AndyBeardoAndyBeardo Member Posts: 184
    Just to point out: aegon is already sig 200 and nick is already awakened.
  • Darksniper240Darksniper240 Member Posts: 222 ★★★
    Pick proxima
    I'd probably go proxima for the new champ and synergies. But I am a huge arena grinder and love have like 50 generic 5 star sigs in the overflow...Either way good luck!
  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,418 ★★★★★
    Pick proxima
    You can never go wrong picking proxima
  • sherin_66sherin_66 Member Posts: 268 ★★★
    Pick proxima
    Proxima is amazing
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    Pick proxima
    I would pick Proxima. She's such an important synergy champion, if nothing else. I've been hunting her for ages. I need her for both Corvus and Aegon.
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Pick proxima
    If I was in that situation I would Proxima because you already have an Aegon and proxima’s an important synergy member for him. And Nick’s sig is practically useless, they should have increased his fury potency the higher it goes but yeah. And I’m guessing you have a good amount of six star shards so choosing Ægon won’t make much difference
  • AndyBeardoAndyBeardo Member Posts: 184
    I picked Aegon for the bonus shards (and iso). I didn't want to wait until today so maybe it was wrong in hindsight. I wish you could choose your nexus champ a day later or so without blocking the game. I haven't got CG but its true that Proxima would have been a great synergy partner for Aegon.
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