Im Thronebreaker!!!

Im free to play and just had some of the best luck. So i explored 7.1 and with that 25% selector I selected the closest t5cc i had to forming which was skill. I chose to rank up BWDO over unawakened NF. I have a 5/65 duped NF. Then i opened the 25% crystal and got cosmic which was my second closest to forming. Then came the nexus, very fortunately i got to dupe my r2 CMM who will be going to rank 3 when i get the t5cc. My only problem is a major lack of iso with the rank ups but im so happy and cant complain. Im entirely free to play btw and took my less than a year of really playing. Anyone looking to go thronebreaker, feel free to ask me tips on how i did. I dont do arena grinding either and i havnt done abyss or even labyrinth

BWDO at r3
Congrats buddy
Congratulations 🎉