How many Hulks to make it right?

With the new addition to Overseer and recently added Hulk immortal I wish Kabam could at least make one of them a real threat to other champions when using them as an attacker. It’s crazy how many Hulks they’ve added without any of the reaching top level. It’s like the Ibony Maw buff…no matter how hard they try, they just can’t get it right 🤦🏼♂️
(I have him as a 6* r2 as well 🤫)
One to screw the lightbulb in
One to prefer the old lightbulb and ask for rank down tickets
One to think it’s too hard to change a light bulb and ask for a nerf
One to ask for a real challenge and that you should be made to screw the lightbulb in with a blindfold and riding a bike.
Gladiator hulk is also nice, he’s niche but destroys the content he niche for.
Ihulk played right is pretty good too.
She hulk is a hulk and she’s a BEAST.
Do you even play the game?
iHulk should be crazy strong and Overseer too given he’s taken down Silver Surfer, Cap and has infinity stone in the gauntlet
You can’t base power in game on feats or strengths in comics or movies
A: 5, plus an Overseer
Badum tss 🥁
Sorry about now specifying Bruce Banner Hulks in this context
Joe Fixit is... yeah...
OG Hulk is okay, but I don't feel he's rewarding enough for the strategy he encourages. (because getting hit is suboptimal).
Gladiator Hulk is... okay? I'm not entirely sure
Immortal Hulk... I haven't played him, but he seems to bring mixed opinions. Some say he isn't good, some say he's a monster... I don't know.
Maestro is unplayable, but it looks like he could have potential if they ever made him a trophy champ.
Overseer... again, I haven't used him or even seen much of him, so I can't say much.
The Bruce banner hulks all have purpose in the game. Some more widely known then others and OG hulk is least used of all but important for V4.
Coming from someone who loves his content and wishes iHulk got more recognition for being good.