G3 ally LF Map 5 players

We're a gold 3 alliance pushing for gold 2
5/4/4 in AQ and we're targeting 130mil pts consistently.
No minimum prestige as long as you can place good defenders for aw and can handle map 5 in AQ.
Any timezone works fine
Dm on discord if you're interested: AngryHen#9330, Variant L1130#3366
I can't guarantee when spots will be available but most probably we'll have some empty spaces before the end of this AQ. Thanks!
5/4/4 in AQ and we're targeting 130mil pts consistently.
No minimum prestige as long as you can place good defenders for aw and can handle map 5 in AQ.
Any timezone works fine
Dm on discord if you're interested: AngryHen#9330, Variant L1130#3366
I can't guarantee when spots will be available but most probably we'll have some empty spaces before the end of this AQ. Thanks!