Is the Overseer any good?

Hi all. So I just pulled him as a 5 star from the Herc crystals. I was wondering if this guy is any good for someone on a thronebreaker level with nearly all of the best champs as a 5 star, except Apoc and Fury. Basically, is he worth investing resources into for someone who doesn't do arena?
Thank you all for your time and stay safe out there.
Thank you all for your time and stay safe out there.
He's okay for an earlier player; particularly as he has a playstyle that rewards you for punishing Heavies and Specials (when Awakened).
He's got some handy abilities, but nothing really unique. Again: if he's a champ you pick up early, he's got a lot of abilities that will help you, like Autoblock.
What else does he do?
Lots of debuffs for Despair? Void is clearly better at this; plus a few others.
AAR, especially on Specials? Why not just use a Skill champ?
Nullify Immunity? That's still rare, so handy in certain scenarios. But there's also Thing, Civil Warrior, and Mr Negative, plus Red Guardian.
High damage output phase? That's something a lot of champs do.
I don't want to be overly negative about him - he's got some utility, and probably better damage than people appreciate. But who's place is he going to take over in you first team? Where, specifically, are you going to use him? Those are the questions to ask, before you take him up.