True focus is great!

Until now, whenever some challenging new content came out, many people would just quake it.
And, it got quite frustrating.
I mean, here are Kabam, tryna make the game fun with challenging nodes and tough defender, and all some people need to do is bring in a quake (no doubt you need to be very skilled to operate her...) and finish it off.
It makes no sense that knowing how to play one particular champion can get you through 99% of the whole game.
Especially in a high reward (not so high difficulty) event like the summer of pain, everyone should enjoy it, while also EARN the rewards, not just get them due to their flawless skills with quake.
Note: Quake is VERY VERY hard to play and I appreciate everyone who is skilled at using her... but just quake shouldn't enable them to win everything without even bothering about the nodes and stuff.
Hence, true focus is pretty good and I'd be happy to see it in the next 3 SoPs.
And, it got quite frustrating.
I mean, here are Kabam, tryna make the game fun with challenging nodes and tough defender, and all some people need to do is bring in a quake (no doubt you need to be very skilled to operate her...) and finish it off.
It makes no sense that knowing how to play one particular champion can get you through 99% of the whole game.
Especially in a high reward (not so high difficulty) event like the summer of pain, everyone should enjoy it, while also EARN the rewards, not just get them due to their flawless skills with quake.
Note: Quake is VERY VERY hard to play and I appreciate everyone who is skilled at using her... but just quake shouldn't enable them to win everything without even bothering about the nodes and stuff.
Hence, true focus is pretty good and I'd be happy to see it in the next 3 SoPs.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
2. Quake is not an easy to play champ. You need to know the mechanic before you can use her in high end fight.
3. It is not Quake can win everything, but the player behind. Some players are pro enough to win a fight with a big group of average tier champs.
Those players have 100% been affected by other people quaking fights, there is a very clear and tangible impact on their game. True Focus has been added, simply because Quake and Ghost have been used to destroy all content easily compared to others.
What's the point of releasing champs like Tigra and Stryfe if you're then going to disable their use completely with true focus nodes?
I don't mind the occasional true focus, but if the goal is to limit the usage of Ghost and Quake then there have to be more elegant solutions rather than the bull-in-a-china-shop approach that a constant reliance on true focus would be.
As for SOP, Kabam can easily disincentivize the usage of Quake and Ghost simply by not having any weekly objectives tied to them. I've personally only used the champs required to clear the objectives ever since those were introduced a couple of weeks ago, and while I think both Quake and Ghost have been able to tackle at least one each, they're also not the answer for most of them.
Let Cav players use them if they are proficient enough and tie objectives to other, harder champions for TBers.
I'm actually a little surprised that the objectives have mostly centered on champs that everyone has reasonably ranked up. I was waiting for a "defeat this boss with a Guardian of the Galaxy/Sinister Six/Defender" objective, where the pool of good champions was significantly smaller and you might have to think a little outside the box.
Some might say that the fights are too easy, but given that cover all the objectives you might have to do 2-3 passes, I'm glad that if you're sufficiently skilled you can solo them.
So far I've actually like the adaptoid fight the most because it required a significantly different play style than using any champ's optimum rotation (unless you used Magik or Ronan).
Now if you’re talking about before the introduction of true focus did quake impact someone else’s game in questing content, then you’d have much more of a point and if you meant that, then my apologies.
It seems my argument was more directed to the people who keep asking for Quake nerfs and the like. OP's post for example, is completely anti-quake, and is an expression of joy at other players not being able to play quake(which probably stems from inability to play her themselves) , and not about how it hurts other champions/players.
In AW it is a different story, since she's so dominant and really the safest option for so many fights it's just not logical to bring someone else. And since AW is such a competitive game mode, you wanna give yourself the best chance to win. So I'm actually glad something is being done about quake in War, making her no longer the best option. It will open up war to be less pressure, with more deaths. It will open up team use now that she's not the best option. The only downside is true focus messes up other champions who are not dominating as much as quake and ghost are.
I was just not expecting to keep up with the event and all of its objectives as far as I have.
This would effectively remove quake as an option or at least require her playstyle to be altered in such a dramatic way as to bring her back in line with the rest of the game’s roster. And I believe it does so in such a way that 1) isn’t overly punishing to the player, I don’t think it impacts many other champions, and 2) is actually rewarding the player if they can corner the opponent. I imagine Dragon Man would have an absolute field day with this mechanic.
It just removes so many other options like stryfe tigra prof x mr. negative etc.
Hence, a viable solution to prevent quakers from literally ignoring 99% of the game would, I suppose, be the #overpowered tag.
Thank you everyone