LF for map 5 players

Hello. My ally will have some people leaving after this AQ session due to lack of time and life commitments. We will need 4 people in order to fill a map 5 BG. If you’re looking to take a step forward to map 5 message me. We currently run a map 6 and map 5 BG. Overall goal is to have at least 2 map 6 groups while still having 2 BG‘s in AW to maintain or improve Gold status. If you like AW that’s even better but not required.
We’re a US / EU mix with a couple of GMT +5, +8 members.
We use LINE for communication, message me at Jaaibotha69 if interested.
We’re a US / EU mix with a couple of GMT +5, +8 members.
We use LINE for communication, message me at Jaaibotha69 if interested.