Ok iHulk is just straight up insane for SOP

He has been able to solo every fight available with ease, this week is no different. My solo ended out at around 55 hits. (Forgot the ss but I’m sure buddy lee will post on it soon). I’m so glad I have a r5 one.
Probably a top 3 science at this point (maybe a joke, maybe not)
Probably a top 3 science at this point (maybe a joke, maybe not)
Been playing that fight over and over to practice with him and because it’s fun as heck!
Not because she can't solo but because I'm certain she could if there was a fight to capture a soul.
Hoping the final challenge is a boss rush so I can test it.
That unstoppable on hydra adaptoid though... shudder
Guess apoc is still in the running. Haven't seen him take rogue but there's probably a solo out there