iHulk or Mr. Neg?

I had the great luck to pull both Immortal Hulk and Mr. Negative as 5*s yesterday! They both look like great champions. Which one should I focus on ranking up first? I'm leaning towards Mr. Neg because the gameplay looks pretty fun (thanks for the tips @BitterSteel) Any other opinions on which of these champs is more useful?
Here's the rest of my science roster for reference. Thanks for the input!

Here's the rest of my science roster for reference. Thanks for the input!

Post edited by Kabam Habanero on
Mr Negative and I-Hulk are both incredible champs, I have both at r3. Negative is more utility focussed, I-Hulk is more damage focussed.
Negative excels in more specific match ups where you can reverse power or regen, whereas I-Hulk is a general wrecking machine. But that doesn’t mean Negative won’t be useful in general gameplay. His damage is really up there, just doesn’t hold a candle to I-Hulk’s damage when the AI plays into you.
Looking at your roster, I hate to say it but it seems like you have the power/healing reversal covered with Cap IW and Torch, and nullify immunity with Thing. If you feel like you’d rather “fill a gap in your roster” I’d say perhaps I-hulk could be a better choice. But if you feel like you can never have too many good champs even if they do a similar sort of thing, then maybe negative is a good shout.
My advice would be test them both out, see if you like their gameplay. I-Hulk can be frustrating if you always want the ai to cooperate, and you need to learn to drop rage stacks after immortality or you’ll be on 1%. Negative can be tricky to learn, but once you’ve sorted out energy and converting and the evade counter, there is such a high ceiling for what he can accomplish.
For Mr Negative gameplay there’s a few channels I’d recommend
My channel - I share questing/AW gameplay
Kaitu [DSVG] ‘s channel. He’s got a fantastic Mr negative guide, and lots of boss kills
MP Blaze’s channel. He does a lot of great AW vids with negative