Looking for alliance

looking for alliance over 5 mil rating game name GarySid Line app name KingGary11


  • Opethian666Opethian666 Member Posts: 54
    Guys, this guy is a fraud, do not take into your alliance.

    This kid here is a modder who can not play the game and always leaves the alliance Less than 1 day after joining, he did it to us, leaving us stranded in the middle of a war.

    Avoid this kid at all cost
  • Opethian666Opethian666 Member Posts: 54
    Guys, this guy is a fraud, do not take into your alliance.

    This kid here is a modder who can not play the game and always leaves the alliance Less than 1 day after joining, he did it to us, leaving us stranded in the middle of a war.

    Avoid this kid at all cost
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