New game Mode Concept

Hey game team!
i have a suggestion for a addition to the game in the form of a new game function. the idea comes from something FIFA 18 has called FUT chams (fifa ultimate team) basically you have your team and you go through some form of qualification to then enter the weekend league. this is where you play a set amount of matches over the weekend (in your own time) and get ranked against other players. where you qualify will justify what rewards you are able to achieve (top 100, then tier 1,2,3 etc)
the reason i think taking a game function like this and introducing it to MCOC is we are all crying out for a competitive game mode thats individual to our alliances. so regardless of the alliance activity you have a game mode to test yourself against other summoners! the hype around the competition at NYCC shows just how popular a game mode like this could become
my suggestion is basically you pick a 5 character team just like a normal quest. then get matched up against maybe 10 characters (or you could even use the new boss rush mechanic for the qualification aspect of the weekend league)
where your total in game time fighting and defeating the bosses is totaled and then that becomes your qualification score. the faster your time the higher tier you enter for the weekend league itself.
entry for the weekend league could be done at the start of qualification. lets say its around 500-1000 units to enter weekend league. it allows free to play players to grind throughout the week and collect the units required and also players who spend it is a reasonable amount as long as the rewards reflect the investment to join. obviously the guys finishing high up in their tiers will benefit the most. if you dont complete your matches your rewards may not reflect the investment. this is all part of the gamble of joining the weekend league
once you have qualified then the weekend league could potentially be a longer boss rush format. maybe 15-20 fights to go through. each time your champs get restored to full health? maybe there is another form of health potion (a max revive just for weekend league) to keep champs going. these fights can change each week with different characters to fight against, making the summoners chose carefully who you bring in to fight. since the goal is to finish the fight quickly it will be so much fun coming up with diverse teams with different synergies and make us want to collect different champions to enter the weekend league with.
if you die during a fight thats it. one chance only. you get the full time penalty of 3 minutes or however long the timer runs for added to your time. it rewards skill, knowledge of the game and a deep understanding of game mechanics. i feel a game mode like this or similar really bridges the gap a lot of the player base is missing right now. something purely skill based that we can pit against other summoners to see who is the best! of course the higher level players will qualify higher and get better rewards but you cant necessarily pay your way to the top of the table. those positions will be for the most talented summoners. players who qualify mid to lower tier could have rewards that revolve around gold and iso and rank up items to advance their accounts faster. and higher tiers with shards and other high end rank up fragments etc etc. or even feature grandmaster crystals etc for some RNG luck aspect to rewards too
hopefully this post finds its way to the appropriate channels. its something ive thought about for quite some time and think it would elevate the game another level. its obviously a really big game function with many hurdles to overcome but i think its worth it!!
im always free to pop in for testing since i live in vancouver. message any time ;-)
keep working hard guys. looking forward to the next game mechanic updates
i have a suggestion for a addition to the game in the form of a new game function. the idea comes from something FIFA 18 has called FUT chams (fifa ultimate team) basically you have your team and you go through some form of qualification to then enter the weekend league. this is where you play a set amount of matches over the weekend (in your own time) and get ranked against other players. where you qualify will justify what rewards you are able to achieve (top 100, then tier 1,2,3 etc)
the reason i think taking a game function like this and introducing it to MCOC is we are all crying out for a competitive game mode thats individual to our alliances. so regardless of the alliance activity you have a game mode to test yourself against other summoners! the hype around the competition at NYCC shows just how popular a game mode like this could become
my suggestion is basically you pick a 5 character team just like a normal quest. then get matched up against maybe 10 characters (or you could even use the new boss rush mechanic for the qualification aspect of the weekend league)
where your total in game time fighting and defeating the bosses is totaled and then that becomes your qualification score. the faster your time the higher tier you enter for the weekend league itself.
entry for the weekend league could be done at the start of qualification. lets say its around 500-1000 units to enter weekend league. it allows free to play players to grind throughout the week and collect the units required and also players who spend it is a reasonable amount as long as the rewards reflect the investment to join. obviously the guys finishing high up in their tiers will benefit the most. if you dont complete your matches your rewards may not reflect the investment. this is all part of the gamble of joining the weekend league
once you have qualified then the weekend league could potentially be a longer boss rush format. maybe 15-20 fights to go through. each time your champs get restored to full health? maybe there is another form of health potion (a max revive just for weekend league) to keep champs going. these fights can change each week with different characters to fight against, making the summoners chose carefully who you bring in to fight. since the goal is to finish the fight quickly it will be so much fun coming up with diverse teams with different synergies and make us want to collect different champions to enter the weekend league with.
if you die during a fight thats it. one chance only. you get the full time penalty of 3 minutes or however long the timer runs for added to your time. it rewards skill, knowledge of the game and a deep understanding of game mechanics. i feel a game mode like this or similar really bridges the gap a lot of the player base is missing right now. something purely skill based that we can pit against other summoners to see who is the best! of course the higher level players will qualify higher and get better rewards but you cant necessarily pay your way to the top of the table. those positions will be for the most talented summoners. players who qualify mid to lower tier could have rewards that revolve around gold and iso and rank up items to advance their accounts faster. and higher tiers with shards and other high end rank up fragments etc etc. or even feature grandmaster crystals etc for some RNG luck aspect to rewards too
hopefully this post finds its way to the appropriate channels. its something ive thought about for quite some time and think it would elevate the game another level. its obviously a really big game function with many hurdles to overcome but i think its worth it!!
im always free to pop in for testing since i live in vancouver. message any time ;-)
keep working hard guys. looking forward to the next game mechanic updates
a weekend league that you can enter via a qualification. bring a team of 5 like a normal quest. speed run through the boss rush challenge and your total in game fighting time is how you qualify for a certain tier. (tier 1,2,3 etc) so its all skill based
then a series of 15-20 difficult beat the boss fights in your own time over sat/sun. you rank based on the time taken to beat the fights. you get KO'd and you get a time penalty and move on to the next one. your prizes are rewarded based on final rank after the weekend. your champs would not be locked from other quests either during this time.