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Incorrect cavalier drop rates for new thronebreaker 6* daily card

Hello everyone, I am sure many of you are well aware that kabam pulled a sneaky one over all of us. They gave us a wonderful deal but put in the old cavalier drop rates that are absolutely garbage. We need some sort of explanation from kabam. Thank you in advance.


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    Sparty6Sparty6 Posts: 81
    Wow didn’t realize that. That is shady.
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    @StevieManWonder i did buddy, I sent in a ticket already and I advise all of us to send in a ticket
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    StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Posts: 5,017 ★★★★★

    @StevieManWonder i did buddy, I sent in a ticket already and I advise all of us to send in a ticket

    Awesome, that's pretty much all we can do. Since today is a Sunday and tomorrow is apparently a Canadian holiday, it might be Tuesday at the earliest that we get a response. Now all we can do is be patient.
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    LpooLpoo Posts: 2,215 ★★★★★

    Can these idiots do anything right?

    I know you’re upset, and I think a lot of people are, but they are addressing problems in a timely manner and reward players for their mistakes. This one is early, give them a shot to make it right
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    YoMovesYoMoves Posts: 1,281 ★★★★
    So...the thing is, I don't think this was actually wrong.

    Based on what I've seen, the pull rate is 1%...*per spin of the crystal*.

    What does this mean? It means exactly what it sounds like. However, the nexus spins *three times* and then you get to choose the best option of the three. Since it's 1% spun three times, it averages out to a near identical drop rate as your average everyday 3% crystal.
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    AlmccarthyAlmccarthy Posts: 103
    YoMoves said:

    So...the thing is, I don't think this was actually wrong.

    Based on what I've seen, the pull rate is 1%...*per spin of the crystal*.

    What does this mean? It means exactly what it sounds like. However, the nexus spins *three times* and then you get to choose the best option of the three. Since it's 1% spun three times, it averages out to a near identical drop rate as your average everyday 3% crystal.

    What was the point of giving nexus crystals then ? Why not 10 normal crystal if they end up having the same odds
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    YoMovesYoMoves Posts: 1,281 ★★★★

    YoMoves said:

    So...the thing is, I don't think this was actually wrong.

    Based on what I've seen, the pull rate is 1%...*per spin of the crystal*.

    What does this mean? It means exactly what it sounds like. However, the nexus spins *three times* and then you get to choose the best option of the three. Since it's 1% spun three times, it averages out to a near identical drop rate as your average everyday 3% crystal.

    What was the point of giving nexus crystals then ? Why not 10 normal crystal if they end up having the same odds
    So you will buy it, obviously. Even without the cavs the deal was pretty good, so I'll take it and move on, personally.
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    DougYugoDougYugo Posts: 1
    I definitely thought the drop rates for the Cav crystals in the daily card would be the updated drop rates. Very disappointed that I didn't check before purchasing the offer. I guess assuming the rates would be the same as they have been for months is not a good thing. My only hope is Kabam decides to make this right. Please and thank you.
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    RookiieRookiie Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    You can merge this one to the Nexus thread too @Kabam Zanzibar
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    xNigxNig Posts: 7,305 ★★★★★
    Wonder how it’s shady when the drop rates are literally posted there. 😂
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    Joker1976Joker1976 Posts: 546 ★★★
    Gotta read the fine print,..the deal was mainly for the shards and it’s a Cav nexus,…of course the drop rates may differ.
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    Joker1976Joker1976 Posts: 546 ★★★
    …kind of a common sense thing you know,…before you buy something you should first know what your buying,…drop rates were provided Btw
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    xBearxxBearx Posts: 61

    Hello everyone, I am sure many of you are well aware that kabam pulled a sneaky one over all of us. They gave us a wonderful deal but put in the old cavalier drop rates that are absolutely garbage. We need some sort of explanation from kabam. Thank you in advance.

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    UnitmanUnitman Posts: 241 ★★
    edited August 2021
    @Kabam Boo ” I’ll buy the 6* daily card every month if you guys offer it with the updated drop rate cav nexus.
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,380 ★★★★★
    Unitman said:

    @Kabam Boo ” I’ll buy the 6* daily card every month if you guys offer it with the updated drop rate cav nexus.

    Name checks out.
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    Skiddy212Skiddy212 Posts: 1,101 ★★★★
    Finally, where is this thread/comment actually posted? Very curious. Thank you!
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    danielmathdanielmath Posts: 4,055 ★★★★★
    When i saw the drop rates were wrong i was thrilled cause that’s just 10 free crystals, same as every other time kabam made a mistake. Anyone with a brain should’ve been happy, not upset
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    TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Posts: 745 ★★★
    Im actually sad that I didnt purchase the deal. Checked the droprates and thought it was bad. Want to see the offer around again.
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