Optimize your mastery set up. The power index for your champs seems a bit low for 5/65 5*.
I would highly recommend investing in the stony cores to unlock Precision and Cruelty in the offense mastery tab if you haven’t. Glass cannon is good too if you can rely on routine parries/not taking hits. This will greatly increase the damage output for your whole roster.
Then target variant content. You may be able to manage an initial clear for “blood and venom” if you rank up your spider verse and mystic champions. Variant completion will get you shards and rank up materials to beef up your 5* roster.
Optimize your mastery set up. The power index for your champs seems a bit low for 5/65 5*.
I would highly recommend investing in the stony cores to unlock Precision and Cruelty in the offense mastery tab. This will greatly increase the damage output for your whole roster.
Then target variant content. You may be able to manage an initial clear for “blood and venom” if you rank up your spider verse and mystic champions. Variant completion will get you shards and rank up materials to beef up your 5* roster.
This. And focus on your 5 star roster so you can tackle more content faster and improve your skills as much as possible too. After some time try tackling some story content, if you succeed the great, if you fail then it’s no problem, try again after some time when your roster/skills improve a little bit more. Also try and see if you can complete this weeks SoP and maybe the future ones too. AA did it for me this week using only 1 revive. 1 or 2 revives for each fight is definitely worth the rewards for each milestone. I’m sure you could do it with a maximum of 2-3 revives with AA. If you can’t do it then it’s fine. Though I would recommend trying it out in the next few hours since this week’s fight is gonna go soon.
I would highly recommend investing in the stony cores to unlock Precision and Cruelty in the offense mastery tab if you haven’t. Glass cannon is good too if you can rely on routine parries/not taking hits. This will greatly increase the damage output for your whole roster.
Then target variant content. You may be able to manage an initial clear for “blood and venom” if you rank up your spider verse and mystic champions. Variant completion will get you shards and rank up materials to beef up your 5* roster.