Captain America WWII Rework suggestion/Idea

Captain America
Duplicate Ability: (I can do this all day)
Max sig: Captain America can block unblockable attacks and when about to be knocked out gains indestructible for 5 seconds and +120% attack for the duration of the fight.
Min sig: Captain America can block unblockable attacks and when about to be knocked out gains indestructible for 2 seconds and +45% attack for the duration of the fight.
The Shield:
- When blocking take maximum 2% health from a hit.
- Using the parry mastery with Captain America makes parry last an extra 1.8 seconds.
- 20% Chance for a block to be a perfect block reducing all damage to 0.
The Man:
- Captain America has a 20% chance to purify a debuff. Increased to 40% against mystic champions and villains.
- Captain America is immune to mind control effects. This includes indirect abilities like petrify. Ability accuracy also cannot be reduced by more than 60%
- +X Physical resistance
The Hero:
- Gain an indefinite 15% passive fury when 2% block damage cap is reached or when Capt. America perfect blocks.
- Basic shield attacks have 45% chance to armour break the opponent decreasing armour rating by x for 20 seconds.
- + 20% Critical damage rating for every fury buff.
Heavy attacks: 50% Chance to slow the opponent for 7 seconds. Chance increases by 5% for every fury buff.
Basic Attacks:
- Shield attacks cannot miss be evaded or be auto-blocked. Failed evade auto-blocks or miss attempts result in the opponent being inflicted with fatigue reducing critical rating by X and weakness decreasing attack rating by 25% for 5 seconds.
- 20% chance to gain an indefinite passive fury.
M1- A shield ricochet of the ground and into the opponent.
M2- With his head protected and covered by his shield he lunges forward shield first into the opponent.
L1- A left hand punch across the opponents body going in a downward swing.
L2- A right hand uppercut.
L3- An elbow to the head with his right arm.
L4- A sideways kick from the right leg to the head.
Heavy- A quick three hit attack
Block- Cap puts a slight bend in his knees while firmly holding his shield in front of his head covering as much of his body as possible.
Dash Back- Cap rolls backward. This may be weird and if so it remains unchanged.
Special Attacks- Consume fury buffs to increase special attack damage by 10% each.
Special Attack 1-
- Inflicts bleed dealing x damage over 8 seconds.
- Inflicts 3 armour breaks.
- If there are 4 or more armour breaks on the opponent 100% chance to inflict stun for 4 seconds.
(Old SP2) animation)
Special Attack 2-
- Inflict stun for 4 seconds
- +5% critical chance for every consumed fury buff.
- Restores 25% of consumed furies.
(Cap throws his shield 4 times at the opponent in quick succession then spins to throw the shield straight at the opponent. this is a double spin which he does faster than sp1).
Special Attack 3-
- Restores 40% of all furies used in the fight
- Stuns for 5 seconds
- Inflict bleed dealing X damage over x seconds.
(Cap throws his shield at the ground to then catch it mid air- pause here as we see a heroic view of cap-then throwing it at his opponent and showing a wonderful display of combat skills. Like in Captain America civil war vs iron man with winter soldier except he does this by himself.)
Avengers Assemble- Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk
Captain America: +10% chance for a perfect block for each avenger on the team. Inc. Himself.
Iron Man: Repulsor attacks have +10% chance to deal shock for every avenger on the team. Inc. himself
Hulk: All fury buffs increase in 15% potency for every avenger on the team. Inc. Himself.
Thor: All combo abilities halve in requirements needed to activate. This does not include- 1 win.
Black Widow: SP2 Critical damage rating is doubled.
Hawkeye: Sp2 bleed is tripled in potency.
Got Heart- Spider/Man stark, Gwen, Miles
Captain America:+40% chance to purify a debuff. -Stack
Spider-man Stark: +4% evade chance and +6% block proficiency for every stack of poise. -No stack
Spider-gwen: All hits are critical while hunter spider is active.
Miles Morales: +50% shock potency
Friends of a friend-Falcon, Winter Soldier
All champions gain +20% Critical rating
Captain. Leader. Legend- John Terry
Captain America: +10% ability accuracy.
John Terry: +10000000% fury buff when Chelsea play against Manchester United
Main Changes:
- Cap now has his shield on his back unless using it for an attack or blocking.
- John Terry is now also a marvel character.
- Fury based champ
- Animations
- Pi, health increase.
- Synergies
Thanks for reading! Be sure to let me know what you think. Too Op? Not good enough? Thanks! And disregard my last rework for him
Duplicate Ability: (I can do this all day)
Max sig: Captain America can block unblockable attacks and when about to be knocked out gains indestructible for 5 seconds and +120% attack for the duration of the fight.
Min sig: Captain America can block unblockable attacks and when about to be knocked out gains indestructible for 2 seconds and +45% attack for the duration of the fight.
The Shield:
- When blocking take maximum 2% health from a hit.
- Using the parry mastery with Captain America makes parry last an extra 1.8 seconds.
- 20% Chance for a block to be a perfect block reducing all damage to 0.
The Man:
- Captain America has a 20% chance to purify a debuff. Increased to 40% against mystic champions and villains.
- Captain America is immune to mind control effects. This includes indirect abilities like petrify. Ability accuracy also cannot be reduced by more than 60%
- +X Physical resistance
The Hero:
- Gain an indefinite 15% passive fury when 2% block damage cap is reached or when Capt. America perfect blocks.
- Basic shield attacks have 45% chance to armour break the opponent decreasing armour rating by x for 20 seconds.
- + 20% Critical damage rating for every fury buff.
Heavy attacks: 50% Chance to slow the opponent for 7 seconds. Chance increases by 5% for every fury buff.
Basic Attacks:
- Shield attacks cannot miss be evaded or be auto-blocked. Failed evade auto-blocks or miss attempts result in the opponent being inflicted with fatigue reducing critical rating by X and weakness decreasing attack rating by 25% for 5 seconds.
- 20% chance to gain an indefinite passive fury.
M1- A shield ricochet of the ground and into the opponent.
M2- With his head protected and covered by his shield he lunges forward shield first into the opponent.
L1- A left hand punch across the opponents body going in a downward swing.
L2- A right hand uppercut.
L3- An elbow to the head with his right arm.
L4- A sideways kick from the right leg to the head.
Heavy- A quick three hit attack
Block- Cap puts a slight bend in his knees while firmly holding his shield in front of his head covering as much of his body as possible.
Dash Back- Cap rolls backward. This may be weird and if so it remains unchanged.
Special Attacks- Consume fury buffs to increase special attack damage by 10% each.
Special Attack 1-
- Inflicts bleed dealing x damage over 8 seconds.
- Inflicts 3 armour breaks.
- If there are 4 or more armour breaks on the opponent 100% chance to inflict stun for 4 seconds.
(Old SP2) animation)
Special Attack 2-
- Inflict stun for 4 seconds
- +5% critical chance for every consumed fury buff.
- Restores 25% of consumed furies.
(Cap throws his shield 4 times at the opponent in quick succession then spins to throw the shield straight at the opponent. this is a double spin which he does faster than sp1).
Special Attack 3-
- Restores 40% of all furies used in the fight
- Stuns for 5 seconds
- Inflict bleed dealing X damage over x seconds.
(Cap throws his shield at the ground to then catch it mid air- pause here as we see a heroic view of cap-then throwing it at his opponent and showing a wonderful display of combat skills. Like in Captain America civil war vs iron man with winter soldier except he does this by himself.)
Avengers Assemble- Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Thor, Black Widow, Hulk
Captain America: +10% chance for a perfect block for each avenger on the team. Inc. Himself.
Iron Man: Repulsor attacks have +10% chance to deal shock for every avenger on the team. Inc. himself
Hulk: All fury buffs increase in 15% potency for every avenger on the team. Inc. Himself.
Thor: All combo abilities halve in requirements needed to activate. This does not include- 1 win.
Black Widow: SP2 Critical damage rating is doubled.
Hawkeye: Sp2 bleed is tripled in potency.
Got Heart- Spider/Man stark, Gwen, Miles
Captain America:+40% chance to purify a debuff. -Stack
Spider-man Stark: +4% evade chance and +6% block proficiency for every stack of poise. -No stack
Spider-gwen: All hits are critical while hunter spider is active.
Miles Morales: +50% shock potency
Friends of a friend-Falcon, Winter Soldier
All champions gain +20% Critical rating
Captain. Leader. Legend- John Terry
Captain America: +10% ability accuracy.
John Terry: +10000000% fury buff when Chelsea play against Manchester United
Main Changes:
- Cap now has his shield on his back unless using it for an attack or blocking.
- John Terry is now also a marvel character.
- Fury based champ
- Animations
- Pi, health increase.
- Synergies
Thanks for reading! Be sure to let me know what you think. Too Op? Not good enough? Thanks! And disregard my last rework for him
America’s Ass...istant? All CAs
Cap classic:+20% perfect block chance
Cap Iw: debuff potency and duration is doubled
Cap wwii: All stuns have + 0.5% duration