Medusa bug or fun & interactive content - stun in a special!

May be a bug or as intended.... I have been practicing against Medusa in duels due to AW debuff immune seems she is the go to now. playing with Magik and TWICE she auto blocked into parry and stunned me during an sp2 (the last hit)
This should not be possible as parry should not stun a special!
I know should wait for furies to expire but once it happened I tried to make it happen and I have had it repeat. Anyone else enjoying or seeing this bug. Will be a real pain for multi hit specials which could get enough fury to get the autoblock
This should not be possible as parry should not stun a special!
I know should wait for furies to expire but once it happened I tried to make it happen and I have had it repeat. Anyone else enjoying or seeing this bug. Will be a real pain for multi hit specials which could get enough fury to get the autoblock