Newer player looking for an active alliance

New player here, created a account after not playing since launch to take advantage of the beginner/intermediate bracket.
I'm always active across the day, and I farm both the 3* fearued and 4* basic arena so I'll constantly be building my roster (I place usually low top 40 or top 10%)
I'm sitting on a 24k rating right now, but after Im planning to get stronger and increase my 4* roster once I obtain enough to enter the 4* featured.
I was active in all alliance events in my prior alliances, but got tired of putting the most effort when 20 people were inactive and missing major milestones.
My plan is to grind hard enough to get both the 4* featured 4* and the basic 4*
I'm looking for an active alliance, no inactives, just there to help newer player progress faster. I'm a hardcore player, and want to make sure I make the most out of the first month I play.
My name is watden3096, thanks.
I'm always active across the day, and I farm both the 3* fearued and 4* basic arena so I'll constantly be building my roster (I place usually low top 40 or top 10%)
I'm sitting on a 24k rating right now, but after Im planning to get stronger and increase my 4* roster once I obtain enough to enter the 4* featured.
I was active in all alliance events in my prior alliances, but got tired of putting the most effort when 20 people were inactive and missing major milestones.
My plan is to grind hard enough to get both the 4* featured 4* and the basic 4*
I'm looking for an active alliance, no inactives, just there to help newer player progress faster. I'm a hardcore player, and want to make sure I make the most out of the first month I play.
My name is watden3096, thanks.
Pin me on line - SoumenSen91.
Line ID : Romyjart
Marvel Contest of Champions : Romyjart
Also @Turkobane, and @Watden you can message me on forums too (if you’re interested)