Champ responsiveness - AW

In AW battles, I have had significant issues getting champs to dash back, evade, and block, often with the champ moving forward of their own accord instead. This does not seem to be happening in other game modes for me. (Block stun after specials is occurring everywhere, but that's a different bug).
Pixel XL running Android 8.0.0 (Oct 5th patch)
Pixel XL running Android 8.0.0 (Oct 5th patch)
They won't back up properly, they won't block properly, they won't evade properly ( getting hit while evading), occasionally my blocks just drop or get torn threw, my character occasionally won't move after they block certain characters specials, sometimes they won't fire off a special or they randomly fire one off for no reason or try to fight by themselves.
It's freaking ridiculous, some of these issues have been going on since the beginning of the year and were heavily talked about by us on the old forums and this one as well.
It's time to fix the game, it's time to updgrade the servers, and it's time to properly address ALL the bugs, issues, glitches
And give an ETA on a fix so we know you care and have an idea how to fix them instead of ignoring them and hoping they go away because that's not going to happen and a lot of us will continue bringing them up until you fix or address them and we will be heavily critical of you because of the apparent lack of care you show to the game and us.