OG Iron Man Rework Idea

Stats based on 5/65
Base armor : -> 899
Base crit resistance : -> 525
Block proficiency : -> 67.8%
Signature ability : Arc Overload
Under 20% health, Iron Man activates arc overload depending on his current fighting style.
In defensive mode, arc overload grants 10045 regeneration in 6 seconds +899 armor
In offensive mode, arc overload grants 2 bars of power in 7 seconds. -899 armor
This ability only activates once per fight.
With Stark's high-tech suit, Iron Man has the ability to change between 2 fighting techniques (defensive and offensive mode).
However, both fighting techniques have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Iron Man starts the fight in defensive mode.
Heavy attack switches Iron Man's fighting technique.
Defensive mode
+ Increase block proficiency by 12%
+ Immunity to bleed & 90% shock resistance
+ Opponents suffer from weakness passive, decreasing their attack value by 8%
- Iron Man cannot strike with a critical hit in this mode.
Offensive mode
+ Basic attacks get a flat 50% chance to be critical.
+ Medium attacks burn 2,5% of the opponents power mater.
+ Increase fury potency by 20%
+ Iron Man's special attacks are unblockable
- Iron Man loses his ability to gain armor ups from all source
- Base armor rating is now -899
When attacked
Iron Man has 40% chance to activate a stacking armor up passive, each increasing his armor rating by 899 for 7 seconds.
Well-timed blocks
Iron Man activates his stacking armor up passive, increasing his armor rating by 800 for 7 seconds.
Heavy attack
Iron Man change his fighting technique.
Also pauses all personal heal block, power lock for 5 seconds.
Special 1
Inflicts heal block on the opponent for 14 seconds. (+2 seconds duration for each active armor up passive during this special attack).
+ gain a fury buff increasing attack rating by 700 for 20 seconds. (can be stacked)
Special 2
Inflicts a power lock debuff for 7 seconds
+ gain a fury buff increasing attack rating by 700 for 20 seconds. (can be stacked)
Special 3
This attack burns 60% of the opponents current power meter.
Stun the opponent for 2 seconds.
Activates his reactor more effectively, after this attack Iron Man passively filling up 2 bars of power in 7 seconds.
+ gain a fury buff increasing attack rating by 700 for 20 seconds. (can be stacked)