Should Cav players stop doing SoP after week 6?…. Also Bugs?!

Hey everyone so I’m a little confused if I should still be doing SoP after week 6?! If I’m not mistaken Cav players are capped at milestone 6. So there for it would be a waste to do other weeks if using resources.
Would appreciate some clarification!
Also is anyone experiencing off milestone counts of SoP? One thing is saying I’m at Milestone 5 and another is saying I’m at 8!
Ever since mysterios week everything has been off.
Again would appreciate if anyone is experiencing the same!!
Thanks for your time!!
Would appreciate some clarification!
Also is anyone experiencing off milestone counts of SoP? One thing is saying I’m at Milestone 5 and another is saying I’m at 8!
Ever since mysterios week everything has been off.
Again would appreciate if anyone is experiencing the same!!
Thanks for your time!!
Really appreciate it!
Thank you I appreciate it!