Halloween calendar?

CuntessaCuntessa Member Posts: 69
We would love a compensation calendar for October since you have to admit, it's pretty lame


  • SirTodd_83SirTodd_83 Member Posts: 177
    There'll be a Halloween calender, well I'm assuming there is considering the sub par monthly calender
  • Vinh225Vinh225 Member Posts: 164
    What do you mean lame?? They have already given us a Login Crystal which states the guaranteed chances of getting at least a 3-star Doctor Voodoo which we all know will end up being a 2-star because Kabam can't get their act together! See? No compensation needed. Even if we get compensation, I think Kabam will treat us to a free 1-star Gwenpool. Y'know, for the new people.
  • Samuel030sSamuel030s Member Posts: 126
    I don't think you should sound as entitled as you do for the "compensation calendar". The idea that we should get compensated for a monthly calendar's rewards being subpar is a bit ludicrous. If they are going to do a monthly calendar, it'll be for a celebratory thing for the Halloween holiday, not because we deserve better rewards that require no effort to get.
  • CuntessaCuntessa Member Posts: 69
    Actually, this isn't about entitlement, it's about the game of capitalism.

    Kabam offers a login calendar to entice daily activity in the hopes of its gamers buying more items for their activities.

    This was posted as the login items are sub par if they are trying to entice daily logins from their user base.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Who flagged the main comment in this post? For what? It’s fine
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