compensation reward

Hi frd's as we know that we are going to receive compensation reward at the end of this month so i just want to say that if you are giving truly compensation than don't make separate rewards for tb and caviler. Both title player want same reward and also i found that kabam going to give us one 6* nexus if i'm not wrong and one Tier 5cc. So guy's help me to reach this point to kabam. Give one boost from your side.
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
2. Pls stop
3. Thanks
Me at initial Cav had 1 5/65 and like 7 r4 and the only “hard” content I had done outside of story was V4.
Me at initial TB has like 25 5/65 or r2 and don’t use anything lower than 4/55.
Maybe you are late Cav and there aren’t too many differences, but early Cavs and TB do not deserve the same
1. If they make those rewards the same, why differentiate at all? Give proven and TB players the same rewards.
2. Compensation literally compensates for the bad stuff that has occurred. TB players have had opportunities for better rewards than Cav players, which they may have missed out on due to bugged gameplay. Why should the rewards in compensation not correspond to the content they had available?
3. The opinions of the players in your alliance do not decide the reality for the other million players in the game. They may not care, but most people do.
4. Some of the compensation (consumables like revives) will likely be the same across the board because it affects an account the same way. Things like a 6* nexus would affect different progression tiers in drastically different ways.