Finnaly cav!!

Neev_4321Neev_4321 Member Posts: 133
As the title suggests I have become cav, I spent 300 units on 6.1.2, 100 units on 6.1.5 and 120 units on 6.1.6. total :- 520.

MVP :- 6 star rank 1 hit monkey and 5 star rank 4 Claire and Angela.

I am going to upgrade arcangle when I get the iso to and about to rank 2 my 6 star hit monkey when I form the last 25 percent of my 3rd T5basic rather than rank 5 Claire, or Angela.


  • odishika123odishika123 Member Posts: 5,414 ★★★★★
    Rank up Guardian and AA
  • Neev_4321Neev_4321 Member Posts: 133

    Rank up Guardian and AA

    Yeah, I used gaurdian for final quest whole fight unblokable mutants as he can block them, he is at rank 2 and propably going to rank 3+ in the future. Right now he kills 200k opponents in 3 sp3. Because I am low on T4 basic and T1 alpha due to the amount of rank ups for 6.1, when I started 6.1.1, I had rank 2 red hulk and rank 3 red goblin and angela only. Arcangle is going up when I get iso, and I am going to upgrade falcon only if I have to use him cause I have many other options like mole man, and many as maxed out 4 stars.
  • AntzRodzAntzRodz Member Posts: 259 ★★★
    Congrats.... 👍👏👌
  • dirt13jrdirt13jr Member Posts: 178 ★★
    congrats brother!!! well done.
  • Thanos1149Thanos1149 Member Posts: 1,136 ★★★
    Congrats!🎉 If you ever get an awakening gem which you can use on AA, use it.
  • Hrishikesh713Hrishikesh713 Member Posts: 712 ★★★
    Rank 5 claire maybe...she has utility which is really mvp in lot of scenario...hit-monkey is also cool but i guess i would have gone with claire
  • Neev_4321Neev_4321 Member Posts: 133

    Congrats!🎉 If you ever get an awakening gem which you can use on AA, use it.

    Yeah, I hope I get a cosmic or mutant awakening gem for Angela and arcangle, I have a science but no one who really needs it so will save for a sig dependent science. Have about 70 generic stones and around 30 of each class currently, but some are left to claim to the total will go higher
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