I will become thronebreaker on Wednesday after the SOP rewards. I have this r1->r2 gem that I’d like to use in the meantime. Who would you pick? (Started 7.1 and no suicides)
Why not Wait and see what your nexus is? We'll, If it lets you before picking the t5cc... Who knows, might be a doom or whoever you're shooting for. Plus, since none are r2 yet and there's no level up event, why jump the gun without checking on the nexus first?
That’s true. I’m pretty set on Claire as my first r3, but I should definitely wait to see if I get someone I’ve been hunting to invest in them eventually. Thanks
Why not Wait and see what your nexus is? We'll, If it lets you before picking the t5cc... Who knows, might be a doom or whoever you're shooting for. Plus, since none are r2 yet and there's no level up event, why jump the gun without checking on the nexus first?
Typically they make you choose the t5cc frags before you can open the Crystal because selectors activate when you claim the reward and the Crystal goes to your Crystal pool