Where should i be at the game right now?

I recently got back into the game and i have just pulled my second 5 star. I am worried that i am VERY behind because i am level 40 and only have one max level 4 star and 2 5 stars. Should i not be worried or is my account a waste?
P.S: i have not spent any money on the game
P.S: i have not spent any money on the game
Your first priority should be getting uncollected, then pushing through act5 while building your 5 star roster, then getting Cavalier. All this time you should be doing Monthly EQ, SQ(No SQ this month). After that you can chill for a while.
Any time you face a problem doing content or need rankup advice go to youtube or you can make a post here asking for help.
Don’t compare yourself with others, play at your own pace. But if you feel the need to, compare yourself with players in your current level.
The only thing you should do is to enjoy the game. Everything else will come natural.