Fun and relax aliance Looking for new members - AW-G3 AQ-443

Looking for a few members for my alliance In Search of Glory [ISOG2]
We are a relax team with some experienced players that can help you grow.
Communication and Line app required,
We do 2 bgs in AW and usually stay on Gold 3
For AQ, when full or close, we do 3 bgs with maps 443 all rounds and modifiers on bg1.
If you want to join, contact me here, in game or via Line aequitasdominus
We are a relax team with some experienced players that can help you grow.
Communication and Line app required,
We do 2 bgs in AW and usually stay on Gold 3
For AQ, when full or close, we do 3 bgs with maps 443 all rounds and modifiers on bg1.
If you want to join, contact me here, in game or via Line aequitasdominus