Hey guys, I'm looking for a new alliance. I have an overall team rating of 130k, and I have quite a few desirable Champs

I'm looking for an alliance that can get SA rewards EVERY WEEK, at least 4 and 5 star shards
I don't care about AQ that much, but I still can do it
My roster

4 star:
Awakened Night crawler 4 40
Unawakened Gwenpool 4 40
Unawakened ArchAngel 4 40
Unawakened Dormammu 4 40
Awakened Ice man 2 20 (getting the catalysts for 4 40 since I recently got him from arena, and then straight away duped him from a crystal)
Unawakened Hyperion 4 40
Unawakened X23 4 40
Unawakened Cap WWII 4 40

5 star:
Unawakened Spiderman 2 35

Other Champs: electro, Unawakened SW, Unawakened Dr Voodoo (only rank 1 10), Cable, Hood and OML

AW Offense: Cycling between AA, GP, WWII and X23, (Iceman not 4 40 yet)
AW Defense: Dormammu, Hyperion, , NC, Spiderman, Electro (only 3 30) I would use Iceman instead of electro if they put thorns

I'm a heavy arena grinder, so I will be looking to get SL, Rocket, and Stark Spidey onto my team when they come out in the basic arena. Every weekend, I grind the 4 star basic 10%, and on the weekdays, I grind the 4 star basic 11-25%.

My past PB scores
4 star basic (not strong enough to do 4 star featured)
Gwenpool: 7.7 mill
Iceman: 7 mill ( on a school night!!)
Archangel: 6.5 mill
Dormammu: 5.5 mill
X 23: 5 mill

(I've actually earnt most of my gods, except for Hyperion, Dr Voodoo, and an Iceman DUPE)

Contact me if you're interested, my username is Derpy avenger



  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    If you’re interested, we’re a 5 mil alliance that recently lost a lot of members due to low SA scores and inactivity in wars. We’re now trying to refill those gaps and are currently at tier 10 aiming to get to tier 7 soon. It should be doable now that we aren’t being held back but obviously it will take a few more wars to get there. We only run map 3 for AQ so no donations are needed. Might do one or two map 4s a week at some point in the future but not sure when or if that will actually happen. If you need any extra info or want to join, add me in game or on line, both: MegaSkater67
  • Opethian666Opethian666 Member Posts: 54
    Add me on line, opethian666
  • DbhudiDbhudi Member Posts: 13
    Add me. Line ID dbhudi
  • FinlynndFinlynnd Member Posts: 47
    Wrapped up his acceptance with the alliance of his choice.
    Feel free to close this thread now
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