Buff Agent Venom!

AnotherVariantAnotherVariant Member Posts: 71
edited August 2021 in Suggestions and Requests


  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021
    @TVA get em boys
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,129 ★★★★★
    As the proud owner of a Agent Venom across the board, I would love for him to get a buff as well. Unfortunately he didn't win the vote last year and so we just got to wait.
  • StaphMemberStaphMember Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    Do you suppose he needs a revamp or just a number boost? He seems to have a pretty decent kit considering a reliable tenacity and access to incinerate and bleed, but he could surely stand to have the probability of those debuffs increased.

    Maybe access to gain buffs reliant on types of debuffs he shrugs off?
    (Shrug bleed 3x = fury buff, shrug stun ?x = armor up)

    That seems similar to the charges miles will get with his buff and correlates with the buffs other symbiote characters get. I could see Agent Venom and Symbiote Spidey both getting a buff.
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,129 ★★★★★

    Do you suppose he needs a revamp or just a number boost? He seems to have a pretty decent kit considering a reliable tenacity and access to incinerate and bleed, but he could surely stand to have the probability of those debuffs increased.

    Maybe access to gain buffs reliant on types of debuffs he shrugs off?
    (Shrug bleed 3x = fury buff, shrug stun ?x = armor up)

    That seems similar to the charges miles will get with his buff and correlates with the buffs other symbiote characters get. I could see Agent Venom and Symbiote Spidey both getting a buff.

    You actually bring up a very specific point into what I feel is necessary which is that Agent Venom and symbiote Spidey are wearing the same symbiote as Venom, so there should be some cross-correlation there. There should be some consistency with the kind of Buffs that present but it somehow more fine-tuned with their respective kits..

    For example I would say that all versions of the black suit would happen to be more effective against evading spider verse Heroes or how their attacks have a higher percentage to inflict bleed on the opponent. Even something as the Klyntar mutation that stacks random buffs or that True Strike at the end of a fight would be a HUGE difference maker compared to how they are now.
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