Which mastery to put my last point in for Cavalier run?

MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
edited August 2021 in Strategy and Tips

Which mastery will help me the most in a Cavalier run? I just maxed out Willpower and also Glass Cannon. I have 1/3 point in Despair, 3/5 in Deep Wounds and 1/5 Assassin. I usually run my top 4 champs plus either Hyperion, Hawkeye or Sunspot.

Which mastery to put my last point in for Cavalier run? 9 votes

Lvernon15Ackbar67JuggerNotMkkalJed4223 5 votes
Deep Wounds
JCC5280Celtic1981KingSlayer27 3 votes
Pinepower 1 vote
Extended Fury


  • QacobQacob Member Posts: 2,252 ★★★★★
    If you use those top 5 champions: void, g99, nick, colossus and Hyperion, you should be A-okay without needing further mastery adjustment.

    If you are looking to make mastery investments though, and need help, it's much easier if you send screenshots of your build at the moment. That way people can give more contextualised advice. Good luck with cav!
  • The_beast123The_beast123 Member Posts: 2,190 ★★★★
    I agree with Qacob. If I had to say without them, I might say Deep wounds, just for that delicious bleed damage from the light attack ( For Nick of course). Helps Squirrel girl too IG, if you use her.
  • MCOC_JCMMCOC_JCM Member Posts: 171
    edited August 2021
    Here is my current mastery setup. I don’t want to revamp it, just trying to figure out where to put my last point.

  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,953 ★★★★★
    MCOC_JCM said:

    Here is my current mastery setup. I don’t want to revamp it, just trying to figure out where to put my last point.

    If I were you I’d take 2 points out of dex (additional points in dex don’t actually do anything) and then put those 3 points into mystic dispersion. I know you don’t have a really good 5 or 6 star mystic right now but once you get one you’ll really want to have points in mystic dispersion, so you might as well put them there now so that you’re not having to redo your whole set up in the future.
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