Which mastery to put my last point in for Cavalier run?

Which mastery will help me the most in a Cavalier run? I just maxed out Willpower and also Glass Cannon. I have 1/3 point in Despair, 3/5 in Deep Wounds and 1/5 Assassin. I usually run my top 4 champs plus either Hyperion, Hawkeye or Sunspot.

Which mastery will help me the most in a Cavalier run? I just maxed out Willpower and also Glass Cannon. I have 1/3 point in Despair, 3/5 in Deep Wounds and 1/5 Assassin. I usually run my top 4 champs plus either Hyperion, Hawkeye or Sunspot.
Which mastery to put my last point in for Cavalier run? 9 votes
If you are looking to make mastery investments though, and need help, it's much easier if you send screenshots of your build at the moment. That way people can give more contextualised advice. Good luck with cav!