Damage, masteries, game mechanics

AgresssorAgresssor Member Posts: 251 ★★
Hello :))

I have a few questions:

How is the damage calculated in the game? How does it all work?

For exemple, carnage light crits does 469 damage, but hi has a cruelty buff +1471 crit damage. And with this buff his does only 718 on lights crits. Why ? why not 469 + 1471 = 1940 ?

How does works the masteries ? for exemple recoil +30% for specials attacks.
But... champions have a differents specials attacks, exemple: Spider Symbiote SP 2 only one hit. Some champions have 1-10 hits on specials attacks and how recoil works ? +30% for totale damage or for every hit in specials attacks ?

And Quake's damage work correctly ?

4* 3/30 quakes, does 245 damage per scales. + Heavy 107 damange / second.

I just checked against the venom 15 scales. 245 x 15 = 3675 damage. + heavy 1000-1300 damage.
But venom have 10 088 health. And i tested only heavy + 15 scales and 0 zero hits. From 10 088 health to 7 197.
Result: only 3k damage from 15 after shocks charges and heavy.
but should have been 4.6k - 5k damage no ?
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