Are your Synergy champs ranked up?

BarryMcCaulkinerBarryMcCaulkiner Member Posts: 178 ★★
There are def some amazing champs that synergize to make champs more powerful. Do you rank up up your champs that are mainly there for synergies?

For example, I never ranked up wasp or antman for Ghost because I dont play ghost that often, but when I was all about Domino, I took up Rulk and Massacre to 5/65 no questions. Anyone else have synergy champs that get some game time?


  • SaiyanSaiyan Member Posts: 730 ★★★★

    There are def some amazing champs that synergize to make champs more powerful. Do you rank up up your champs that are mainly there for synergies?

    For example, I never ranked up wasp or antman for Ghost because I dont play ghost that often, but when I was all about Domino, I took up Rulk and Massacre to 5/65 no questions. Anyone else have synergy champs that get some game time?

    That's more of a personal choice players make for themselves.

    It's technically always better to have as much champs ranked up as possible and especially if you are gonna bring them on your team just in case they could add extra to your run. Maybe Antman ain't a boss killer but him taking off even 10% of life from a boss can be good.

    In Domino's case, both Rulk and Massacre are actually amazing champs so it makes sense.

    I would rank up Haimdal to max cuz while I'm not gonna use him, he can be useful in general with some good utility.
  • dangarang122dangarang122 Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    Honestly, I'm not super big into synergies and would rather use the extra spot to bring in someone else. However, one synergy duo I do have ranked up and use consistently is Cap Marvel and NF...
  • MasterpuffMasterpuff Member Posts: 6,478 ★★★★★
    I have r3 cable.
  • ChiliDogChiliDog Member Posts: 911 ★★★
    Depends, OR and Col, yes. Ultron and Warlock yes. Ghost and
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