Should alliance war season continue?

The basic game issues r still not completely fixed. In the 3 wars we’ve had, I’ve experienced dropped inputs as well as the parry bug (have both on camera) and game crash which could’ve cost us the war.. even if we excuse these issues there r more dangerous ones..
In KT1’s, war vid, u could see terrax fight was bugged where he was placing armour breaks even tho his rock field was not active
In Lagacy’s war vid, one of the icons of the node where u have limited lights mediums and heavies was missing..
These random bugs can lead to deaths and easily change the course of a war cause they’re so unexpected, unseen and u can’t really prepare for something like that
We really shouldn’t be having aw seasons now as it’s only gonna frustrate more players and drive them away from the game
In KT1’s, war vid, u could see terrax fight was bugged where he was placing armour breaks even tho his rock field was not active
In Lagacy’s war vid, one of the icons of the node where u have limited lights mediums and heavies was missing..
These random bugs can lead to deaths and easily change the course of a war cause they’re so unexpected, unseen and u can’t really prepare for something like that
We really shouldn’t be having aw seasons now as it’s only gonna frustrate more players and drive them away from the game
@Kabam Zibiit
Please check this
We messages Support but get no answer yet
I am against canceling the season. We did not play during the long break to protect our war ratings. We will lose players if the war season is canceled.
Also, be sure to do this if you use auto fight in any game mode.
I do not use the auto fight button, i enter the quest then select auto fight. I BELIEVE, there's a conflict between the exterior auto fight (button) system and the system that runs auto fight within a quests. Seems to intensify the lag and brokenness of the game. Clear ram and cache after using auto fight.
How does your brain process this answer? AW is a game mode which kabam continued to have access to players regardless of the bugs! Hell they closed some aw mechanics for bugs! Just because you don't play that mode doesnt make it irrelevant or to do a ignorant comment about that. Its not about compensation anymore. Its just absurd they are running the season. So if you can't help someone when they are facing a problem least you can do is not to suppress them. Thanks!
If the argument is that War is the only thing worth playing, why ask they end the Season? The issues are semi-resolved, but at this point they're not fixed. Postponing it indefinitely would mean less to log on for.
No one is enjoying the bugs, but at least things are running, albeit at less capacity. The issues will get fixed when they get fixed. There's no sense in shutting everything down.
However, I simply tried to join attack phase today and the game crashed locking me out of war and also locking up 8 of my champs while I can merely spectate while my alliance is down an attacker and at significant disadvantage.
That’s the issue at hand, it’s gone beyond parry/dex and into this game is borderline unplayable and it seems to be getting worse and not better. I don’t care about compensation I just want a playable game.