Trying to work out my new roster for cav push

Heyy guys I’m looking for some advice on who my next 5 star rank 4 should be. Iceman for team diversity? Blade for counters? (Btw I don’t plan on using cable any longer as I don’t have a 5 star apoc only a 4 star ver.) 

Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Hype is awesome for 6.1.5 CB boss! CAIW is also awesome but try to get him awakened someway. Venom is a variant cheez boi (as I like to call him lol). Tigra's super good too, insane damage.
I wrote a thing on Venom if you wanna learn a bit about him
I'd also personally take up unduped hype over iceman for XBones but that's me.