Act 6 bosses help

Since I've seen many people with 1 or 2 R5's or less tackling act 6 content, I'm pretty sure my roster could be considered "stacked" in comparison but since I've got tons of saved revives and energy refills I wanted to do my best to try to tackle as much of Act 6 as I can without the least amount of frustration. (Becoming Cavalier was difficult enough for me that I vowed to not get past it because it was more frustrating than fun). But now that my roster is a bit more developed I'm hoping that I can get through a good amount of content so I don't waste all these gifted resources. Two points of reference 1) I suck at quake. I can unit my way through fights with her but I'm not proficient enough with her to take on any bosses easily. 2) I don't have a 5* version of Fury or Hood but I do have a 5* Antman and Wasp(usually essential partners for CMM and Ghost).
TL:DR based on my roster who are my best options for act 6 bosses starting with Mr. Sinister in 6.2.2. Is there anyone I should focus on ranking up for boss fights or general questing for Act 6? Thank you in advance for any feedback that anyone may have.

TL:DR based on my roster who are my best options for act 6 bosses starting with Mr. Sinister in 6.2.2. Is there anyone I should focus on ranking up for boss fights or general questing for Act 6? Thank you in advance for any feedback that anyone may have.

some of your best options include ghost, hyperion, cmm and guilly2099 if you dont mind a long fight.