Nick Fury L1 Usage Bugged

I recently maxed out my 4 star Daredevil Classic, and I wanted to show off his evasion against Nick Fury, so I dueled someone on my friend list who had a 6 star rank 3 Nick Fury. Every time I would go into the fight I wanted to push NF to 19 tactical charges, so when he used his first special, it would remove evade counter and allow Daredevil to fully evade his special. On the countless duels I had against Nick Fury, he would always wait to use his first special until he was below 16 tactical charges. Not sure if his AI is designed to never use his L1 in a situation where it would put him at 20 charges (and thus trigger the fury buff), or if its bugged. But he NEVER used his L1 will in that range of tactical charges, and it leads me to believe he's bugged with the new patch that went live earlier today.