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Awakening Help

AidenTheWiseAidenTheWise Posts: 311 ★★
edited September 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Anyone of these champs need an ag? I know guardian could use awakening, but does he need it? Same with stryfe. It would be nice but do they absolutely need awakening?
Post edited by Kabam Pertinax on


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    Mrspider568Mrspider568 Posts: 2,002 ★★★
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    LpooLpoo Posts: 2,215 ★★★★★
    Falcon and guardian need awakening.

    Guardian has access to all of his damage unawakened, but needs it for all of his great utility.

    Falcon is the opposite.
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    ThePredator1001ThePredator1001 Posts: 688 ★★★
    Depends on who will use or need right now. Guardian is a beast and one of the most Versailles champs at high sig. But before being awakened and high sig he’s just got a lot of damage. Stryfe benefits slot being awakened as it allows him to ramp up quickly. Falcon I don’t know much about but he benefits a lot from awakening and is useful for a lot of content as well
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    odishika123odishika123 Posts: 5,391 ★★★★★
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    IronGladiator22IronGladiator22 Posts: 1,638 ★★★★
    Guardian I think is the only one who deserves a generic there. Falcon definitely also benefits from awakening
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