Just pulled 5* Prof X? Thoughts and advice?

As you saw by the title, I pulled Prof X today from completing the UpUpDownDown thingie. Anyway, the problem is I don't know much about him. Does he have any amazing pieces of utility? Is he worth r5? I would really like to know any ideal rotation for him too!

Thx everyone!

Thx everyone!
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Build channeling charges by parry/heavy. Get to 100. Don’t throw specials until you do.
At 100 throw special, entering mind control. The defender cannot gain power or throw a special during MC.
Charge heavy and cancel into specials until MC is over. That builds prowess charges, which slowly fall off. You can refresh by repeating the steps above before they fall off.
Very good damage
OP as #### synergies
Special spam
Miss and evade counter(Don't bring him near tech champs)
Also wanted to ask, is it just me or is he a bit tough to play at first? And is he worth a Mutant AG?
Yes i’d say he’s worth a class AG but he doesn’t necessarily need his sig. Still something nice to have though.
Arguably the best evade/miss counter in the game (for non-tech champs)
Fast ramp-up that unlocks crazy special damage
Built in falter mechanic: great as a safety net, or for forcing your opponent against the wall with heavies
Energy and (mostly) non contact attacks: great for matchups like electro and Korg
Immunity to reverse controls: super clutch against Emma Frost, the Grandmaster, etc.
Spicy synergies: grants everything from poison resistance to extra special attack damage to increased bleed potency, depending on who you bring in with him
High block proficiency: pretty self-explanatory
And most importantly,
Special lock/power control: he can completely lock the opponent out of throwing specials and nuke into them with his own series of special attacks. Not only does this let him dominate the opponent in ordinary fights, but in some matchups where standard power control isn’t effective, Prof X gets the job done.
To answer your second question, I wouldn’t use a mutant AG on him unless you don’t have many other candidates. His awakened ability mainly just makes it a little easier to get to 100 cerebro charges, but once you learn how to play him it won’t feel difficult to build charges, so you don’t really need the awakening.