My next Carina Challenge, O Canada or Mike+Loki

With some free revives already in stash and some potions ad hand I want to do some more carina challenges.
But I am debating between doing either O Canada or Mike paired with Loki. I already have 60+ revives at the ready and some bigger potions. If I want to have potions for all my revives I still need roughly 200 for sabretooth and 100 for the other 2 combined.
I could always use units.
If time spend in the quest is not a factor. Which of these two options would you do first?
But I am debating between doing either O Canada or Mike paired with Loki. I already have 60+ revives at the ready and some bigger potions. If I want to have potions for all my revives I still need roughly 200 for sabretooth and 100 for the other 2 combined.
I could always use units.
If time spend in the quest is not a factor. Which of these two options would you do first?
The rank 1-2 gem is definitely better than 4 T2a.
Mike+Loki seems like better value.
20% revives + small potions, go loki+miike
20% revives + big potions, go canada
it is 50/50 between 20 and 40% revives.
and all my potions are big 24x 5k 15x 10k
If I end up going for loki+miike I won`t be using the 10k potions since they would be a waste.
My kamala is not ranked up yet. will take her to r2 later. So that one is not an option. I am also saving those for when I am close to forming a t5cc and need that class for a champ I really want to rank up.
thnx for the imput