Can’t join AQ due to game being Broken!!

I picked my team for AQ. Went to join AQ and then the game went down. Now I can’t even participate in AQ. This will hurt my entire alliance. We do map 7 epic mods all week and get 10% t5cc. Now we won’t because of the game being as broken as it is!!! I have video proof of me picking my AQ team and beginning to join as well as the messages that pop up not allowing me to join now that the games back up. Also it says I’m joined the battlegroup yet I clearly can’t participate. And my champs are now locked in yet I can’t join. And sending a ticket these days is way too annoying with all the questions. Kabam still hasn’t even replied to a ticket I put in over a week ago.

This is affecting many Alliances!
After the game was back up, I found that my champs were locked as if in the AQ, but I wasn't actually in the event and blocked from joining any map with the same popup stating that "you are only allowed to participate in one Alliance Quest at a time."
I still cannot join Day 1 of this AQ cycle after multiple resets/restarts.
Is there any recourse? Or hopefully my champs will be released after Day 1 is finished, so I can join Day 2.
Superman_Blue any luck yet for you?
So it seems to have got the selected Map mixed up, and I was able to join in time to take down the boss node for my alliance. Thanks for the follow-up.