Daily card subscription list

Ps_cr7Ps_cr7 Member Posts: 296 ★★
Do we know like which daily card subscription will be next, like currently we have for t6bc and t3 alpha? I was hoping if they have plan for t5bc and t2 alpha daily card for tb next, I will buy that instead of this one.


  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Would be next month though wouldn't it?
    I think they release one TB Daily Card every 30 days
    I would have loved to stock up on 6-star shards of T5CC but alas, this is useless
  • OGAvengerOGAvenger Member Posts: 1,182 ★★★★★
    I believe they release a new one on the first of every month. However, we never know what it’s going to be beforehand
  • OkizzeOkizze Member Posts: 45
    Someone told me it goes back and forth between shards and cats. I have no idea if this is true overall but this has been the case with the previous two cards. Assuming it’s true then next month we’re looking at shards.
  • Ps_cr7Ps_cr7 Member Posts: 296 ★★
    Thank you guys for the reply. Let's see what happens.
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