How to improve game graphics?!

I played mcoc by Samsung S7 the beginning the graphics was not ghost for example doesn't give "fog" while phasing
After 5 years of playing..SUDDENLY the graphics improved..and the game looks very awesome with the same mobile.
Recently i changed my mobile to Samsung M51..which is better in GPU of course..but the game graphic is still same as old..
How to improve the graphics again ?!
After 5 years of playing..SUDDENLY the graphics improved..and the game looks very awesome with the same mobile.
Recently i changed my mobile to Samsung M51..which is better in GPU of course..but the game graphic is still same as old..
How to improve the graphics again ?!
iOS softward-code is a closed code so no one, except Apple, can take the code and slap it on a flagship phone.
The difference is really huge so it’s more about limitation what each android devices can do, but kabam are more affected by this with android being big and all can’t do the “ghost-phase-fog” you mentioned for each Android devices.
The "There's too many different devices on different OS versions!!" thing hasn't been the actual case for a long, long time. There's only a handful of chipsets that manufacturers use and they're all based on the same architecture and have only been evolutions for years, Android and iOS both. The differences are pretty much invisible as far as this game goes. Problems with MCOC are more with MCOC than a particular device. Back when games were hand-tuned, it was a huge deal when any different aspect ratios and resolutions hit, and a slightly different device (yes, even iPhones) was a huge problem, iOS or Android. Now games are using Unity or Unreal or some other tool and it doesn't matter much if they introduce a slightly bigger or smaller iPhone or Galaxy phone.
As far as the effects go, you would be hard pressed to find a relatively modern phone that wasn't capable of them. They aren't anything super punishing. Now, if someone is using some super-old junk from several years ago that sucked when it was new and with an outdated OS, they should expect their experience to be less than stellar and the game shouldn't cater to them.
But MCOC is not properly optimised for android phones, this is why they have to remove rain and Ghost phase effect from android version.
That way, I could actually... choose the experience I want to have
Whether the game will run correctly is a different issue.