Here comes another post about how unfair NC is on AW node 55

MMCskippyMMCskippy Member Posts: 356 ★★
My 5/50 BW is level 92.

NC evades when you try to intercept him.

NC evades when you try to hit him after he launches a heavy or a special.

NC evades about the 3rd hit while blocking to try and push him into swashbuckling mode.

And this is with all the ability reduction BW is supposed to be bringing to the table.

This is a 5/50 level 99 NC, so of course he's going to be a total ****, but I feel like I could throw an Odin's worth of revives at him on this node and not have him cleared.

I think the evade that is the most infuriating is the evade while he's sprinting straight at you and you've timed the intercept correctly.

I'd have to say that I'm OK with difficult content. Content that's almost impossible is BS.


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,458 ★★★★★
    BW. Is not the Best to du it aginigs mutants champ Becasse it is lower.
  • MMCskippyMMCskippy Member Posts: 356 ★★
    @Gamer Agreed, she's not the best, but her ability reduction has helped reduce the amount he evades in the past.
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    If he's duped, it should be even easier to get him to switch. I think launching into her special once his timer is going should do the trick. You'll just probably get countered afterwards, but it's either that or deal with evades all day.

    You aren't trying to switch stance after he does s1 and goes into super evade mode, right?
  • mvk1996mvk1996 Member Posts: 55
    Send some one with an iceman in that path. As simple as that
  • Jimmy_Utah83Jimmy_Utah83 Member Posts: 246
    Part of the reason why defender kills are gone and war is the way it is. Practice, learn to switch him instead of crying on forums. He’s not hard to beat on stun immune once you learn how to switch him.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    if he's on a stun immune you have to switch him and be patient. If not on stun immune then parry, 3 hits a time. With iceman parry him and apply coldsnap. you might get an opportunity in there to switch him also which makes it pretty easy. bleed immune champs help also as it makes it so NC doesn't gain fury. But yeah.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Try him on an Increased Ability Trigger Node. That' Lol.
    He's not unbeatable. It just takes some patience. It can be frustrating, but having a challenge makes it interesting.
  • SSGBookerSSGBooker Member Posts: 11
    Find a slower rhythm of attacking. I've found this helps against all evade champions. I've found this gives me a little bit more time to see him evade and throw up a block, or even an evade. I've been exactly where you are man, it is one of the tougher fights to learn to do.
  • CptMuffinCptMuffin Member Posts: 85
    Mr_Otter wrote: »
    Iceman, Dormammu, MagnetoR, MagnetoW, Doctor Strange

    Agent Venom
    Elektra (if you have resonate)
    CB (overrun)
    Voodoo (Daniel Debuff!)

    War is barely as hard as early Act4 these days. I HATE to be the one to say this but GIT GUD and use SLOWER combos if ALL the above fail!

    You forgot Arch Angel. Also, use Arch Angel and you can stun him too...
  • MrMojoMrMojo Member Posts: 97
    KhanMedina wrote: »
    If he's duped, it should be even easier to get him to switch. I think launching into her special once his timer is going should do the trick. You'll just probably get countered afterwards, but it's either that or deal with evades all day.

    You aren't trying to switch stance after he does s1 and goes into super evade mode, right?

    I haven't had luck doing that. End up getting crushed after that and not getting NC to switch modes.
  • ForumGuyForumGuy Member Posts: 285 ★★
    Here's a guide to help with evaders.
    For classic spiderman and nightcrawler, you hit them slower than usual so you can catch them when they go for you after an evade.
    With miles you wanna hit really fast, his evades are different from the other two up there, you'll catch him when he tries to hit you.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Someone in your crew needs to have an iceman to handle that, you can use the the war item that gives you a s1 charge for situations like this also to keep the cold snap active as long as possible. I’ve taken that node many times and you can usually get a swashbuckle switch in very easily during cold snap even the unawakened NC.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    First, to all of you suggesting iceman and arch angel, tile 55 is status immune. Neither works for that.

    Second, good grief man. Nightcrawler is the easiest champ to find on that tile typically. U just have to get him to back dash and hold block and it’s over. I would rather fight an nc there than a spidey or any of the common max md mystics (juggs, magik, etc). And the fact that he’s duped actually makes him easier to beat. You aren’t going to get much sympathy on the forums for not being able to beat a status immune nc. Under the old war system, every stun immune tile was either nc, spidey, or a mystic md champ (the bad alliances still used ultron post nerf)
  • KhanMedinaKhanMedina Member Posts: 927 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    First, to all of you suggesting iceman and arch angel, tile 55 is status immune. Neither works for that.

    Second, good grief man. Nightcrawler is the easiest champ to find on that tile typically. U just have to get him to back dash and hold block and it’s over. I would rather fight an nc there than a spidey or any of the common max md mystics (juggs, magik, etc). And the fact that he’s duped actually makes him easier to beat. You aren’t going to get much sympathy on the forums for not being able to beat a status immune nc. Under the old war system, every stun immune tile was either nc, spidey, or a mystic md champ (the bad alliances still used ultron post nerf)

    Different nodes at different tiers. Mine is bleed/poison/stun immune but coldsnap is fine.
  • KocheeseKocheese Member Posts: 391 ★★
    He's so easy, please don't complain about champs that require skill to beat. Now max MD 5 with juggs is ridiculous. Md being tied to dexterity that is. That's a problem. Wish they would fix that. Sometimes it takes me half the fight to get NC to switch but he does. U need to practice brother
  • danielmathdanielmath Member Posts: 4,105 ★★★★★
    Bring iceman, just change his stance the 1st time he blocks since he can't evade. Easy as can be. If you don't have an iceman, have someone that does take that node.
  • Ortem420Ortem420 Member Posts: 76
    I use to think the same until I noticed that it all depends on who, when and how. SL, Thor, Storm, Guillotine, Gambit or any quick attack héroe doesn’t have any problem activating his swashbuckling. Hulk. Jugg, HB or any tank and slow héroe has a lesser chance of doing so.
  • ARMAGEDDON999ARMAGEDDON999 Member Posts: 123
    I read some posts here, just dropping what I know. BW can reduced abilities for sure but it's related to class too. I believe 70-75% is maximum possible ability reduction and 15% more up against science also -15% against NC.

    Against NC it's not always to reduce his evasion but to switch his mode.

    But if u don't feel u can make him switch maybe u should consider other champs like iceman or AA.

    Maybe u don't have these champs then u should up ur skills. There is a video on how to deal with evading champs.
  • This content has been removed.
  • AliabAliab Member Posts: 138
    Yeah sorry buddy Even the weaker guys in my alliance are able to take down unduped five star night crawler on that path. For me OG Spider-Man is still the hardest on that node if you don’t have the right champ against him. It just takes practice and you will realise how easy he is to beat. Use a bleed immune champ if it makes it easier!
  • edited October 2017
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  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Lol. The boost on node 55 is debuff immune isn’t it? How would iceman work?
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,458 ★★★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    Lol. The boost on node 55 is debuff immune isn’t it? How would iceman work?
    Not in all tier But. In tier1. Ther is debuff imunes
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,458 ★★★★★
    Gamer wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Lol. The boost on node 55 is debuff immune isn’t it? How would iceman work?
    Not in all tier But. In tier1. Ther is debuff imunes
    And Mabye tier2. Long time sens im wash in tier2. So dont ikow for sure But tier 4. Im hav not se it.
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    edited October 2017
    git gud. I always waste NC's with Voodoo and SL. Hit him to swashbuckling mode. Keep trying until you succeed. You have 2+ minutes to get him there without getting killed, definitely doable. Don't try to combo him, only try to get him to swashbuckling mode.

    If you bait a heavy/special, do 1 medium attack (to create space, so you don't get cornered) but DONT try to combo. Let him evade/backswipe and then hit him on his block and pray that he doesn't evade and switches to swashbuckling.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Leiva_dark wrote: »
    danielmath wrote: »
    Bring iceman, just change his stance the 1st time he blocks since he can't evade. Easy as can be. If you don't have an iceman, have someone that does take that node.

    easy ?? perhaps does not know that there is even this bug that was solved in 15.1 but is not it ?. I posted 1 thread about it but kabam todabia can not respond.vea the first seconds.iceman as many champions have problems even because his timer disappears without reason.

    This really happened on October 15 (3 days ago)? I have not seen this happen since the patch that fixed it
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    KhanMedina wrote: »
    Run477 wrote: »
    First, to all of you suggesting iceman and arch angel, tile 55 is status immune. Neither works for that.

    Second, good grief man. Nightcrawler is the easiest champ to find on that tile typically. U just have to get him to back dash and hold block and it’s over. I would rather fight an nc there than a spidey or any of the common max md mystics (juggs, magik, etc). And the fact that he’s duped actually makes him easier to beat. You aren’t going to get much sympathy on the forums for not being able to beat a status immune nc. Under the old war system, every stun immune tile was either nc, spidey, or a mystic md champ (the bad alliances still used ultron post nerf)

    Different nodes at different tiers. Mine is bleed/poison/stun immune but coldsnap is fine.

    I didn’t realize that it wasn’t status immune in all tiers. I know in tiers 1 and 2 it’s dtatus immune. I assume also in tier 3 (I havent been in tier 3 since war change to diversity).

    Definitely in tiers 1 and 2 iceman doesn’t work there. When I see nc, I usually bring a star lord.
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    @Leiva_dark i was suffering with him too it should not happen but it's the way it is .
    just don't attack him right away after he blocks bcz the timer will disappear each time u do this or he will evade after he backs away and u see the timer wait like 0.5sec then attack this will switch him fast 2 to 3 hits
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