Hi kabam how are you doing? Hope you must be happy after destroying my happiness of soon being able to R3 my 6* ghost to get TB. So here's how this goes. I completed Act6 and am at 97% of a tech t5cc and then kabam brings along true focus. Ghost is my only tech 6* except rocket. I r2d ghost. And now they are keeping true focus in literally every difficult game mode.
What am I supposed to do?
Also, i have an r4 awakened sparky (who doesnt really need evade but can benefit from evading specials a lot), a 6* r2 tigra, a 5* silver surfer, a 6* hood and an r5 g99 (who again doesn't need miss at all but it can be useful)
Kabam, if you don't want people to quake, just make a node called "NO QUAKE" and let the other champs be. It's not like you can quake or ghost literally everything either. You need astounding levels of skill with both champs and a ton of time with quake. So please go ahead and either take out true focus except for only some places if you really need it there, or give everyone who has a ranked up ghost or quake or tigra or stryfe or hood or silver surfer a ton of compensation.
What am I supposed to do?
Also, i have an r4 awakened sparky (who doesnt really need evade but can benefit from evading specials a lot), a 6* r2 tigra, a 5* silver surfer, a 6* hood and an r5 g99 (who again doesn't need miss at all but it can be useful)
Kabam, if you don't want people to quake, just make a node called "NO QUAKE" and let the other champs be. It's not like you can quake or ghost literally everything either. You need astounding levels of skill with both champs and a ton of time with quake. So please go ahead and either take out true focus except for only some places if you really need it there, or give everyone who has a ranked up ghost or quake or tigra or stryfe or hood or silver surfer a ton of compensation.
Ghost too and she’s clappin cheeks for sure.
As soon as you become TB, T5cc will come more often.
With that being said, the TF Node seems to be a quick shot from kabam. Maybe some adjustments will be done for future content. Have a nice Sunday evening !
The real mastery of ghost is how to use her without wasp synergy, but even then it pales in comparison to quake mastery.
Although, saying all this, what’s your take on Tigra vs Quake mastery? Who would you say is harder to learn, I only ask because for me, it probably took a month or two to learn quake fully, but I’ve been learning tigra for 3 or 4 months now, and I’d say I’m good enough now to take her for most content, but still have a ways to go. Like I did SoP fights with her, and a week 10 path, but I wouldn’t take her to war yet if you know what I mean.
Maybe it’s just a personal thing, and I couldn’t make any statement of Quake is objectively easier to learn than Tigra, but for me, I can say that I did take longer to learn Tigra. What are your thoughts?
All salt and sarcasm aside, I know how annoying True Focus is, and I hate that it makes many champs less viable (Spider-Ham is one random example). I am all in for nerfing the node but I also believe that making a temporary challenge hard by restricting the use of Ghost&Quake is perfectly fine as long as there's the majority of permanent content without this node.
I suppose tigra eventually becomes muscle memory too, once you’ve learned every champ, but it’s a mammoth task compared to learning quake
I completed the entire Shang-Chi side quest chapter 1 on Auto play while eating my dinner except for the last path or 2 and the final boss is all I had to play mostly because the AI sucks.
It was beginner level easy, waaaaaay to easy and boring. Then I went into chapter 2 like “Okay, now the cool, fun chapter, let’s do this!” and I got annihilated 50 times in a row and quit and thats with an r3 unduped Corvus and an r3 duped NF. So don’t feel bad dude, I am a Thronebreaker with a pretty decent roster and I won’t be completing this quest, not worth the stress/rewards.
With Tigra, you need to know IF you can use "miss" and spacing changes from champ to champ.
Despite saying that, I’ll most likely be bringing her to 6* R4. She’s fun to play (except when you slip up lol).